FREE – 1 to 1 Funding – Pancreatic Cancer Diagnostic Tests
Get in Touch
Potential ‘Donors‘ and / or ‘Recipients‘ are requested to ‘get in touch / make contact’ with us, if he / she / they are seriously thinking of ‘taking matters further’ (as described in this website)
Medical professionals, Pancreatic Cancer related charities etc. are invited to do likewise if they have any queries, suggestions etc. re this website / our vision for the latter etc.
We can initially be ‘contacted’ via the email address shown below. When we receive such ‘initial’ email, more ‘user friendly’ methods of contact will be provided to the enquirer etc. – if / as required
(Note: Below email address is not a direct ‘link’ – thus ‘enquirers’ etc. should copy / enter it into the address box of any email system – which he / she / they might be using – in order to contact us):