FREE – 1 to 1 Funding – Pancreatic Cancer Diagnostic Tests
How this Project ‘Works’
– for Potential Funders
A potential funder(s) will be requested to donate to / pay for the actual costs of a pre-approved recipient(s) – when the latter undergoes Pancreatic Cancer diagnostic tests (as referred by an appropriate UK doctor and as expanded upon elsewhere herein). Said tests will typically be conducted at an appropriate, private medical facility in the UK
When (if) associated funding becomes available, already ‘pre-approved’ recipients (being UK citizens etc.) can expect to attend a timely, initial consultation with an appropriate ‘private’ specialist / consultant medical professional in the UK. Consequently, the type(s), numbers, estimated cost (including for the initial consultation) etc. of the recommended diagnostic tests to be undertaken (in the UK), plus a date for when – will be mutually agreed
The facilitator will always make the final decision re ‘acceptance’ of any such estimates. Up to around £3,000-3,500 (GBP) might currently be considered a reasonable, maximum cost estimate re the aforesaid – but this will, of course, be dependent on the number and types of tests to actually be taken ‘on the day’
NOTE 1: Exceptionally, an appropriate cancer diagnostic test (the ‘Galleri’ test) may need to be taken (at least for the near term future) in the USA, as better described in our (separate) Home (‘About this Website’) webpage. Should the latter (Galleri) test be positive, the recipient will typically need to undergo further, corroborating tests back in the UK, as already described further above. In such circumstances, the total cost for ‘everything’ is estimated to be up to around £6,000 – 7,000 (GBP)
NOTE 2: The Galleri test is currently (late 2023) continuing testing in the UK by the UK’s National Health System – NHS (started around 2021 and expected to be finalised around 2025-6). To date (late 2023) the Galleri testing in the UK looks to be promising in correctly diagnosing (to a relatively high degree) a range of cancers – including both types of pancreatic cancer. However, it is not expected to be routinely available in the UK until the testing regime is complete and proven to be essentially successful
On ‘joining’ this project, potential funder(s) will be asked to pre-agree an absolute financial limit – up to which they would be prepared to donate
A situation might subsequently arise where a potential funder is actually requested to “so donate / fund” – (BUT e.g. in circumstances where the associated financial limit already pre-agreed is lower than the actual, quoted [total] costs for the associated diagnostic tests etc. to be undertaken)
In such circumstances said funder might e.g. be requested (by the facilitator) to increase the agreed limit accordingly – and / or “combine” his / her contribution with that of a different / separate funder(s) (as available; mutually agreed to etc.)
Where such ‘combined’ funding is so agreed and viable, the actual ‘split’ of funds shall be mutually agreed (between all of said funders) – with the ‘facilitator’ acting as intermediary, if / as required
Lastly, potential funders might be requested to provide (limited scope) ‘personal data’ details (re themselves) – to better permit the facilitator to do what is required of him. For further details, see our Privacy page